Couples who have suffered a miscarriage often have three questions: why did it happen? will it happen again?, and what can be done to prevent it happening in the future? Arri Coomarasamy, Professor of Gynaecology at the University of Birmingham and the Director of the Tommy’s National Centre for Miscarriage Research, addresses these questions.
The answers are based on a series of 3 articles published in the Lancet. Professor Coomarasamy dispels the myth that a miscarriage is ‘one of those things’ about which nothing can be done. Treatment with the hormone progesterone, for example, can rescue many pregnancies in women who have early pregnancy bleeding and a history of miscarriage.
The effects of miscarriage go well beyond the physical impact and risk of recurrence; for example, the risks of preterm birth and stillbirth are increased in future pregnancies, and severe psychological disorders are common after a miscarriage. Professor Coomarasamy and team are calling for change to improve miscarriage care.
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