Preparing you for the MRCOG part 3 exam.

April 2024 course is fully booked. The next 2 day weekend course will be face to face at Birmingham Womens Hospital in October 2024.


I attended the Part 3 ACE course in April 2023. Just wanted to let the team know that I went on to win the MRCOG Gold Medal in the May 2023 exam!

The course was hugely helpful as part of my preparation for the exam – please pass on my thanks to Arri, Justin and the team.

Jessica Southward

“MRCOG Part 3 is very different to parts 1 and 2. The focus is no longer on knowledge. Part 3 aims to assess your applied knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour. The revision for part 3 needs a different approach: you need a coach and not a textbook! In fact, you need multiple coaches, who can teach you how to approach a varied set of part 3 questions. Questions can be based on breaking bad news, dealing with an angry patient, providing complex information, focused fact-finding, prioritisation, clinical governance, data interpretation and more.
We base our teaching material and questions on the actual feedback we get from candidates who have taken the exam. Our course provides expert tuition on how to shine in part 3 exam.

Arri Coomarasamy

Gain targeted knowledge and skills to shine in part 3 OSCE stations, with a particular focus on counselling and communication, structured viva, history taking and examination, breaking bad news, data interpretation, prioritisation, clinical governance, critical appraisal and instruments.

Gain targeted knowledge and skills to shine in part 3 OSCE stations, with a particular focus on counselling and communication, structured viva, history taking and examination, breaking bad news, data interpretation, prioritisation, clinical governance, critical appraisal and instruments.

“MRCOG Part 3 is very different to parts 1 and 2. The focus is no longer on knowledge. Part 3 aims to assess your applied knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour. The revision for part 3 needs a different approach: you need a coach and not a textbook! In fact, you need multiple coaches, who can teach you how to approach a varied set of part 3 questions. Questions can be based on breaking bad news, dealing with an angry patient, providing complex information, focused fact-finding, prioritisation, clinical governance, data interpretation and more.
We base our teaching material and questions on the actual feedback we get from candidates who have taken the exam. Our course provides expert tuition on how to shine in part 3 exam.

Arri Coomarasamy

What Happens Before The Course

We begin helping you even before the course starts!

“Exam Preparation Starts Here”

“Assessing your revision progress is not easy. Your blind spots don’t always pop up readily. Yet, you will want to know your weaknesses so that you can target your revision with laser precision.

We can help!

Watch our video on how to assess your progress, download our itemised syllabus checklist, RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rate your knowledge on that checklist, and develop a sound understanding about where you are on the revision roadmap.

Armed with the checklist, refine your revision approach to target the weak areas. Admittedly, the focus of part 3 is not on knowledge; yet, you need to know something about every syllabus item in the checklist so that you can say something sensible in your OSCE station!

Your work with us starts well before you turn up for the weekend course!”

Dr. Justin Chu

“Exam Preparation Starts Here”

“Assessing your revision progress is not easy. Your blind spots don’t always pop up readily. Yet, you will want to know your weaknesses so that you can target your revision with laser precision.

We can help!

Watch our video on how to assess your progress, download our itemised syllabus checklist, RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rate your knowledge on that checklist, and develop a sound understanding about where you are on the revision roadmap.

Armed with the checklist, refine your revision approach to target the weak areas. Admittedly, the focus of part 3 is not on knowledge; yet, you need to know something about every syllabus item in the checklist so that you can say something sensible in your OSCE station!

Your work with us starts well before you turn up for the weekend course!”

Dr. Justin Chu

What Happens During The Course

A two day intensive course designed to maximise knowledge, skills and build confidence.

Cover all 16 modules, with a particular emphasis on communication and counselling.

“You may be wondering what happens during the weekend course. Well, every minute of your time with us will bring value to your revision through interactive OSCE stations and an extended OSCE circuit.

The atmosphere is relaxed and supportive. The immediate feedback on your performance and the role-playing of model answers by us will keep the tempo up – there will never be a dull moment!”

Prof. Arri Coomarasamy

Cover all 16 modules, with a particular emphasis on communication and counselling.

“You may be wondering what happens during the weekend course. Well, every minute of your time with us will bring value to your revision through interactive OSCE stations and an extended OSCE circuit.

The atmosphere is relaxed and supportive. The immediate feedback on your performance and the role-playing of model answers by us will keep the tempo up – there will never be a dull moment!”

Prof. Arri Coomarasamy

Course Weekend Time Table

Time Saturday
0830-0900 Registration & Welcome
0840-0930 Part 3 Exam and Revision Techniques
0930-1100 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 1A and 1B
Structured interactive VIVA stations
1100-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 2A and 2B
Interactive stations
1300-1400 Lunch and Part 3(OSCE)
Circuit preparation
1400-1700 Part 3 (OSCE) CIRCUIT
1700-1830 CIRCUIT Feedback
Time Sunday
0830-0900 Welcome back & Further
Part 3 (OSCE) Techniques
0900-1030 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 3A & 3B
Counselling & Communication
1030-1045 Coffee
1045-1230 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 3A & 3B
Counselling & Communication (Continued)
1230-1315 Lunch
1315-1500 OSCE Techniques 4a & 4b
• Data interpretation
• Teaching
• Surgical instruments
1500-1515 Coffee
1515-1700 OSCE Techniques 4a and 4b (continued)
• Data interpretation
• Teaching
• Surgical instruments
1700 Close

Being an intensive course, the course starts early and finishes late

Course Weekend Time Table

Time Saturday
0830-0900 Registration & Welcome
0840-0930 Part 3 Exam and Revision Techniques
0930-1100 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 1A and 1B
Structured interactive VIVA stations
1100-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 2A and 2B
Interactive stations
1300-1400 Lunch and Part 3(OSCE)
Circuit preparation
1400-1700 Part 3 (OSCE) CIRCUIT
1700-1830 CIRCUIT Feedback
Time Sunday
0830-0900 Welcome back & Further
Part 3 (OSCE) Techniques
0900-1030 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 3A & 3B
Counselling & Communication
1030-1045 Coffee
1045-1230 Part 3 (OSCE) Sessions 3A & 3B
Counselling & Communication (Continued)
1230-1315 Lunch
1315-1500 OSCE Techniques 4a & 4b
• Data interpretation
• Teaching
• Surgical instruments
1500-1515 Coffee
1515-1700 OSCE Techniques 4a and 4b (continued)
• Data interpretation
• Teaching
• Surgical instruments
1700 Close

Being an intensive course, the course starts early and finishes late

What Happens After The Course

Continued support and guidance all the way to exam day.

“Yes, sure, you may have paid for a weekend course, but we will be there before and after the weekend!
After the course, we will send you additional reading materials and questions to try at home.

You have a question that you are struggling with? No problem! Send it to us – we will get back to you with the answer.
You are never alone”

Prof. Arri Coomarasamy

Over 1200 candidates have placed their trust in us over the past 14 years.

Over 1200 candidates have placed their trust in us over the past 14 years.

“Yes, sure, you may have paid for a weekend course, but we will be there before and after the weekend!
After the course, we will send you additional reading materials and questions to try at home.

You have a question that you are struggling with? No problem! Send it to us – we will get back to you with the answer.
You are never alone”

Prof. Arri Coomarasamy

Booking your place on the course

Our next part 3 course will be in October. There may be extra courses announced in due course. Please book below.

“Just wanted to convey massive thank you to all of you for such a brilliant course, it helped me pass my part 3 comfortably!
This course is very well organised and structured. Keep up the good work!”

Akhilesh Kirane

October Course

£545002 Days
  • October 12-13, 2024
  • Face to face Course
  • at Birmingham Womens Hospital

April Course

£545002 Days
  • 12th & 13th April 2025
  • Face to face Course
  • at Birmingham Womens Hospital

Spaces are limited so it is best to book early.

Candidates from the 2023 comments about the course

Top tricks and tips and the mock OSCE circuit were the best things about this course!!

Organisation is really good

Lots of practice stations and insights in to OSCE technique

Vital course for the part 3 exam. Will recommend to any candidates taking the exam

Excellent course and great samosas

Great course and a big thank you to Justin and Prof Arri for sharing so much knowledge, tips and tricks. I’ve learnt a lot in the two days and would recommend to my colleagues. Great value for money!!

What our past candidates say about us

The candidates appreciated the blueprint structures that we provided throughout the weekend and are now well equipped to pass the part 3 MRCOG exam at the RCOG.

Great fun was had by the candidates and the faculty during all of the teaching sessions. Here are some of the feedback comments:

“Very well conducted and managed”
“Really enjoyed the course – thank you for a great learning opportunity!”
“Excellent course””Excellent samosa!!”
“The course has guided me to be more focused in my revision and practice more appropriately. Lots of amazing tips”
“Clarified many areas. Thank you”
“Systematic, robust and efficient. Good facilitators”
“Fantastic experience!!! Feeling more confident”
“Very kind staff, especially Bal”

Oct 2022 course comments and feedback

I am very grateful for this, I was in the waiting list, had to send messages and very lucky to have been considered when a space came up. Thanks

MRCOG Part 3 Candidate

Thank you very much for your time and efforts, Extremely Appreciated

MRCOG Part 3 Candidate

Thank you.  Excellent course – I feel much more sure of how to approach the part 3 and how to tailor my revision for last few weeks.  I would highly recommend to others.

MRCOG Part 3 Candidate

Join Over 1,200 candidates Suceeding with Ace Courses

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    Intensive Weekend Course to Help Pass Your MRCOG Part Three Exams.